
The Blog of a Groundskeeper-Willy who is employed in a state high school in NSW. I like my job but can't live on the money $412.50 per week. {Now $428.56!} {Now $436.99!} {Now $455.27!}To live I will have to return to my trade so I have started looking, but so that my experiences in the education system are not consigned to the rubbish bin of posterity I am going to record them here.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Walking on water & turning water into wine

Its been a hectic few days at the Skool,

I can now report that I have achieved the impossible.

Today carpet was laid in the English Staffroom

Of course it did not go according to plan, the carpet layers were meant to arrive at 10.00am they arrived at 1.45pm so the job was not finished until 6.30pm. Now gentle reader Willy is supposed to finish at 3.30pm and he is not paid overtime but I stayed because there was no one else to put on the alarms and lock up!

Also today the bulldozer came to move the mounds it will take him 3 days, whilst he was moving the mounds he was attacked by the "Special" people who live in a house adjacent to the Skool. They threw a Christmas tree at him,empty beer bottles and some of their verandah supports!
They set up a terrific wail when he told them if they continued in this fashion he would contact the police.

They are part of the community but cause the community some trouble. Being institutionalized we didn't see them, now having been placed within the community I wonder if the 'Cost savings' associated with closing the institutions are being eroded with the funds being diverted from Policing and Social Services to administer to these people.

Besides I dislike picking up all their rubbish that they throw over the fence. I have learnt to dodge the beer bottles.

Having now achieved miracles it's back to doing the impossible all for $412.50 per week the NSW Public gets it's pound of flesh out of me!


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