Of course the Skool is bounded on most sides by houses, some of these have people in them who were quite happy to send their children to the Skool but as these children have left now take great delight in complaining about the Skool and the students.
We have Mr Bread Bun man who insists throwing stale bread buns over the fence
Mr Quasimodo who complains about "the bells the bells". His sense of smell is so acute that he can smell the school bin from his house (it's 127 metres from his property) he takes great delight in ringing up the district office and complaining about the rotting prawns in the bin after Christmas (he put them there)
Mrs Mangle who insists on ringing up the front office to complain about the students parking their cars in "HER" street and demanding that "We do something" This is the same lady who rang up and complained to Principal Skinner about the ribbons and deflated balloons. Skinners answer to that is "Willy can you do something about that?" this despite the fact that it was not on Skool property and was across the road.
This brings me to the story of Mr Video Man and Principal Skinner
Mr Video Man lives in a shed that is close to the Skool fence near the Industrial Arts block, you know industrial arts their the ones not practiced any more. Lovely big workshop facilities unused because people have swallowed the idea that a Trade is something to look down on and without a University education your life is incomplete. I digress.
Willy is behind the Industrial Arts block picking up fallen branches, when he comes across Video cassettes not just any video cassettes but Anal Hetro Porn ( lets see how many hits this blog will get now) Anyway I picked them up and put them in a garbage bag and took them to Principal Skinner
Willy " Ive found this in the school grounds it's on the list of prohibited items." pushes bag towards Skinner
Skinner " Well what is it." reaching for the bag
Willy "Culture videos"
Skinner "Culture videos?" placing hand inside bag
Willy "yes you know porn!" with that Skinners face goes white and he removes his hand out of the bag and pushes the bag towards me
Skinner "Get rid of it!" in a terrifified voice.
Willy takes the bag and throws it in the dumpster. here endeth the lesson
though it makes you wonder as to why he was scared of the videos?
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