A group of boys have been helping me for the past year , we put up the chairs and tables in the hall MT the recycle bins, bark chip the garden and change the furniture in the classrooms.
As it's a semi selective high school the community kids give trouble because they are not academically brilliant {that explains the schools high Asian population} Some of the teachers appear very biased towards the Selective children. One even calls a particular community class "The Zoo"
My observation of selective children is that they are not very bright with life skills, they get plenty of awards and kudos for their academic achievements but don't know simple things like how to wash up {I kidd you not}
I digress the Boys were in Year 9 but as they have gone to year 10 they can no longer help me so today at assembly they were presented with certificates of service by the principal and I made the following speech.
Work is not mankind's curse, but its blessing. People become complete through work. It elevates them, makes them great and aware, raises them above all other creatures. It is in the deepest sense creative, productive and culture producing. Without work, no food. Without food, no life.
The idea that the dirtier one's hands get, the more degrading the work. Is just not true. As in every other area, first ask how, then what. It is less a question of the position I fill, and more a question of how well I do the work
Anyone who creates value is a creator, that is, a worker. We should refuse to distinguish kinds of work. A furrowed brow is as much a sign of work as calloused hands. Our lives should perhaps be determined not by possessions or money, but by the quality of one's accomplishments. One earns merit through service. Our only standard should be whether the work serves the whole, or at least does not harm it, or if it is harmful. Work is service.
Work is a path to higher blessings, a joy, something in which to take pride, satisfaction, encouragement, and a way to build character. We are distinguished by the results of our labour. That is I believe the sure sign of the character and value of a person
Those who despise work but accept its benefits is are hypocrites.
SAS may mean School Assistance Squad but it also means Sincerity And Service part of our School motto
These boys have learnt much about that and the nature of work, they have learnt about themselves, their discoveries thanks fellas have enriched my work.
Not bad is it.
No I didn't write it I just adjusted it to suit the new purpose.
The Cleaners are on strike, Willy does not do cleaning {not during a strike} the Cleaning company has been sending management staff to perform a cursory clean, basically the toilets.
The Manager was complaining about the kids
Manager "Dirty disgusting little devils"
Willy "why?"
Manager "They have deliberately pushed over the bins, rubbish is everywhere"
Willy "Blame it on the media"
Manager "Huh why"
Willy "last nights news report stated that if the schools were dirty they would have to be closed, so the kids are trying to get that to happen"
Manager "Bastards"
Willy "yep the Media has a lot to answer for, You know on average 3 people per week throw themselves under trains in Sydney? They don't publicize that because it would only give people ideas"
Manager "Why did they publicize this?"
Willy "The Media don't consider the consequences, gotta fill up that 90 second sound bite"
Manager "BASTARDS"
No I didn't write it I just adjusted it to suit the new purpose.You should have left that sentence out, I was seriously impressed. So who did write it?
That failed journalist Joseph Goebbels.
It realy is the singer not the song.
But perhaps you already knew that.
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