
The Blog of a Groundskeeper-Willy who is employed in a state high school in NSW. I like my job but can't live on the money $412.50 per week. {Now $428.56!} {Now $436.99!} {Now $455.27!}To live I will have to return to my trade so I have started looking, but so that my experiences in the education system are not consigned to the rubbish bin of posterity I am going to record them here.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


This incident is going back to January

I had returned to the Skool after having a weeks break, no teachers had returned and the school holidays were still on.

I made an inspection of the grounds to check for vandalism and found draped in the gardens women’s underpants!

As this meant that someone had been on the Skool site I contacted the School Security Unit and logged a report.

Later in the week teachers began arriving to 'do work' {Out of 70 teachers you will get about 4 who will come in during the Holidays, it can be annoying as they will require doors to be opened for them which they will not shut so poor Willy has to}

The conversation that any normal person would have would run along the lines of ' Hi Willy have a good break?'
With teachers it can be different 'Any Incidents in the Holidays?' that’s the first thing they ask, I don't know why but they do.

Male teacher; 'Any Incidents in the Holidays?'

Willy; 'Well yes someone has put women’s underpants in the Skool gardens'

Male teacher; getting excited 'Oh Oh can I ask you a question?'

Willy; 'Ok'

Male teacher; 'What size are they and are they soiled?'

And now that I have your attention, size 10-12 and yes


At 3:52 am, Blogger Stumpy said...

Thanks Mike,
I will reciprocate when I can figure out how to put links on this page!


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