
The Blog of a Groundskeeper-Willy who is employed in a state high school in NSW. I like my job but can't live on the money $412.50 per week. {Now $428.56!} {Now $436.99!} {Now $455.27!}To live I will have to return to my trade so I have started looking, but so that my experiences in the education system are not consigned to the rubbish bin of posterity I am going to record them here.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


The Skool has not had ANZAC Day this year as the History Department did not want to organize the event "Because we do it every Year"

It's "this queasy multiculturalism with which we are continually affronted, it occurs to us that Western Europeans gave the world to the human race, and there is nothing harder to forgive than a favor." Jeff Cooper, August 1995.

The legacy of such a young nation, the death of so many and they can't be bothered to remember.
It's just so hard to make it relevant within a multicultural skool where the Students cannot relate nor do they appear to want to.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

It's not easy being green

Ah the holidays, I have many tasks to do one is painting several of the chalk boards.
most chalk boards are green but one of them is black! So it must be a blackboard.

To prepare a chalkboard for painting you wash it off with a sponge which must be rinsed out many times for each chalkboard.

The board must be left to dry for at least 24hours

Painting of the board is done with a 1in brush to cut in around the edges, the main part of the board is done with a roller.

DON'T thin the paint out too much to compensate for the low temperature otherwise you will get covered in spots.

It's not easy being green sigh.