
The Blog of a Groundskeeper-Willy who is employed in a state high school in NSW. I like my job but can't live on the money $412.50 per week. {Now $428.56!} {Now $436.99!} {Now $455.27!}To live I will have to return to my trade so I have started looking, but so that my experiences in the education system are not consigned to the rubbish bin of posterity I am going to record them here.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Light My Fire

Scene Willy putting up the exam rope out side the Hall when accosted by a male teacher

Teacher: Willy come quick there is smoke in the Hall!

Willy: where’s it coming from?

Teacher: Its coming from one of the heaters what shall we do?

Willy: Turn it off would be a good start

The heater is turned off, the smoke is coming from a smouldering roll of sticky tape perched on the heater, and the heater is at least 3 meters from the ground

Teacher: What shall we do about all the smoke?

Willy: Turn on the blowers to clear the air
And walks out

Willy goes back to putting up the exam rope, Teacher exits the Hall waving his arms and shouting

Teacher: Help Willy the heater is on fire!

Willy goes into the Hall whist the examination is in progress, the smouldering roll of sticky tape perched on the heater has now burst into flame and is dripping globs of sizzling plastic to the floor. The teachers are all standing around wondering what to do; shall they evacuate the Hall during the examination? Can they get compensation for PTSD caused by this?

Teacher: What will we do?

Willy: I’ll be back
And goes off to fetch the ladder a bucket of water and a damp cloth

Upon his return he erects the ladder and climbs it, smothering the roll of sticky tape with the damp cloth and scraping it into the bucket of water

Willy: That’s fixed that
And packs up the ladder, bucket and cloth and exits the Hall

Teachers look on in amazement

Teachers gotta love em.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Edumucation Week

Thanks be to God that it's over.

I have spent the last two weeks cleaning, painting, mowing and repairing around the skool even then I still did not get it all done.

There were only 30 replies from the parents that were coming so we catered for that. Well guess what 200 turned up!

I opened the new toilets in the new building especially for them and spent time arranging the old library so it could be used as a feeding station.

Then one of them has to go and throw up in the A block corridor as if I don't have enough to do with out cleaning up parent spew.

Now I have received a certificate from the Edumucation Department thanking me for my efforts, bugger the certificate I am tired of that touchy feely crap "Show me the MONEY"

About the only thing that happened was that we planted a small pine seedling in the grounds, so what I hear you say but this one was special it was from the famous Lone Pine at Gallipoli.

Those that know me will understand why I deem this to be the most significant event of the year so far.